Border details (this information is subject to change - please consult the BURS website for updates)
Visitors to Rock Camp and Eagle's Nest need to use Pontdrift Border Post when crossing into Botswana. The border is only open between 08h00 and 16h00 so please plan your trip around these times. The crossing is impassable to vehicles when the Limpopo River is in flood so guests need to make use of the cable car for which a charge will be levied. Refer to Informational Checklist for further details and current pricing.
There is ample safe parking on the South African side of the border. You are required to bring proof of ownership of any motor vehicle and trailer when parking at the border. Police checks can be fairly stringent.
Pontdrift Border Post Co-ordinates - 22.2148°S 29.1382°E
Customs details
All persons arriving in Botswana are required to unreservedly declare all goods in their possession to a Customs official on duty. Customs has a duty to protect Botswana from illicit goods. To do this, checks may be made on travellers and their baggage. If you are stopped and your baggage checked, please cooperate, as we do not assume that you have done anything wrong. We pledge to treat you courteously and professionally.
The following articles and consumables (excluding any goods the importation of which is prohibited), declared at the place where the traveller enters Botswana and not imported on behalf of other persons or by way of trade, may be imported free of duty and where applicable VAT:
(November 2024)
Wines 2 litres
Spirituous and other alcoholic beverages 1 litre
Cigarettes 200
Cigars 20
Cigarette or pipe tobacco 250 grams
Perfume 50 millilitres
Toilet water 250 millilitres
Other new or used goods of a total
Value not exceeding (from outside SACU) R3000.00
Other new or used goods of a total
Value not exceeding (from SACU) R500.00
Additional goods imported from outside SACU, new or used of a total value not exceeding R12 000.00 per person, excluding the consumable items detailed above, are admissible at a flat rate of 20%, if the owner so elects.
Travelers/tourists should note that:
i. Customs duties and/or VAT will be payable at the applicable rates where travellers import goods exceeding the above allowances. Travelers importing goods for business or commercial purpose will not qualify for the above allowances
ii. The concession for new and used goods specified above do not apply to such goods imported by residents of Botswana returning after an absence of less than 48 hours.
iii. With the exception of those relating to tobacco and alcoholic products, the concessions may be claimed by children under the age of 18 years, whether or not their parents or guardians accompany them, provided the goods are for use by the children themselves.
Prohibited Goods
The importation of, among other things, the following goods into Botswana is completely prohibited. It is illegal to be found in possession of prohibited goods and may result in seizure and prosecution. These include:
• Narcotic, habit-forming drugs and related substances in any form.
• Military firearms, ammunition and explosives
• Indecent and obscene material such as pornographic books, magazines, films, videos, DVDs and software
Restricted Goods
The following consumer goods may be imported for private use without an import permit provided they do not exceed the maximum allowable quantities. The regulations on importing meat and meat products change frequently because they are based on disease outbreaks in different countries, always ask your nearest customs office before importing meat and meat products.
Maximum Quantity
Red meat, goat/lamb 25 kg per family
Poultry meat 5 kg per person
Tinned poultry meat 20 kg per person
Eggs 36 eggs per person
Fresh milk 2 litres per person
Maize and maize products 25 kg per person
Wheat 25 kg per person
Pulses (beans, peas, lentils) 25 kg per person
Sorghum and sorghum products 25 kg per person
Cabbage 1 bag per person
Onions 1 bag per person
Potatoes 1 bag per person
Oranges 1 bag per person
Tomatoes 1 box per person
Choumollier 2 kg per person
Rape 2 kg per person
Spinach 2 kg per person
Bread loaves 6 loaves per week
Sugar 12 kg per person
Visitors to Rock Camp and Eagle's Nest need to use Pontdrift Border Post when crossing into Botswana. The border is only open between 08h00 and 16h00 so please plan your trip around these times. The crossing is impassable to vehicles when the Limpopo River is in flood so guests need to make use of the cable car for which a charge will be levied. Refer to Informational Checklist for further details and current pricing.
There is ample safe parking on the South African side of the border. You are required to bring proof of ownership of any motor vehicle and trailer when parking at the border. Police checks can be fairly stringent.
Pontdrift Border Post Co-ordinates - 22.2148°S 29.1382°E
Customs details
All persons arriving in Botswana are required to unreservedly declare all goods in their possession to a Customs official on duty. Customs has a duty to protect Botswana from illicit goods. To do this, checks may be made on travellers and their baggage. If you are stopped and your baggage checked, please cooperate, as we do not assume that you have done anything wrong. We pledge to treat you courteously and professionally.
The following articles and consumables (excluding any goods the importation of which is prohibited), declared at the place where the traveller enters Botswana and not imported on behalf of other persons or by way of trade, may be imported free of duty and where applicable VAT:
(November 2024)
Wines 2 litres
Spirituous and other alcoholic beverages 1 litre
Cigarettes 200
Cigars 20
Cigarette or pipe tobacco 250 grams
Perfume 50 millilitres
Toilet water 250 millilitres
Other new or used goods of a total
Value not exceeding (from outside SACU) R3000.00
Other new or used goods of a total
Value not exceeding (from SACU) R500.00
Additional goods imported from outside SACU, new or used of a total value not exceeding R12 000.00 per person, excluding the consumable items detailed above, are admissible at a flat rate of 20%, if the owner so elects.
Travelers/tourists should note that:
i. Customs duties and/or VAT will be payable at the applicable rates where travellers import goods exceeding the above allowances. Travelers importing goods for business or commercial purpose will not qualify for the above allowances
ii. The concession for new and used goods specified above do not apply to such goods imported by residents of Botswana returning after an absence of less than 48 hours.
iii. With the exception of those relating to tobacco and alcoholic products, the concessions may be claimed by children under the age of 18 years, whether or not their parents or guardians accompany them, provided the goods are for use by the children themselves.
Prohibited Goods
The importation of, among other things, the following goods into Botswana is completely prohibited. It is illegal to be found in possession of prohibited goods and may result in seizure and prosecution. These include:
• Narcotic, habit-forming drugs and related substances in any form.
• Military firearms, ammunition and explosives
• Indecent and obscene material such as pornographic books, magazines, films, videos, DVDs and software
Restricted Goods
The following consumer goods may be imported for private use without an import permit provided they do not exceed the maximum allowable quantities. The regulations on importing meat and meat products change frequently because they are based on disease outbreaks in different countries, always ask your nearest customs office before importing meat and meat products.
Maximum Quantity
Red meat, goat/lamb 25 kg per family
Poultry meat 5 kg per person
Tinned poultry meat 20 kg per person
Eggs 36 eggs per person
Fresh milk 2 litres per person
Maize and maize products 25 kg per person
Wheat 25 kg per person
Pulses (beans, peas, lentils) 25 kg per person
Sorghum and sorghum products 25 kg per person
Cabbage 1 bag per person
Onions 1 bag per person
Potatoes 1 bag per person
Oranges 1 bag per person
Tomatoes 1 box per person
Choumollier 2 kg per person
Rape 2 kg per person
Spinach 2 kg per person
Bread loaves 6 loaves per week
Sugar 12 kg per person